Saturday, May 05, 2012


Window Identity Foundation (WIF)

I've been playing a lot with the new .Net 4.0 features over the past year, and I'm very impressed with Microsoft's commitment to open standards.  Most recently, I was tasked with applying Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) to a product that was in development.  I did what any dutiful software engineer would do: I bought a book.  Then, I set the book aside and said to myself, "Self, you don't need no stinkin' book!  You can figure this stuff out!"  Needless to say, a few hours later, I started reading the book.

The book, Programming Windows Identity Foundation, is pretty decent.  It's by no means perfect.  I found several mistakes, beginning with the first code example which wouldn't even compile.  The online errata had only one "verified" entry and dozens of "unverified" entries going back over a year.  Despite this, I still recommend the book for the uninitiated.
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